Psychic Protection.
Protecting yourself
Protecting your energy is always a good idea but it is especially important right now while the world feels like it’s in a constant state of upheaval. Walking around unshielded can be detrimental to your health. Learning the art of psychic protection isn’t as hard, or complicated as some people make it seem.
Did you know that protecting your energy is crucial to your overall health? Focusing on happiness, joy, and loved-based emotions is great but we must take these steps for self-care to protect ourselves psychically.
I believe it’s important to have as many tools in your toolbox as you can! I also believe to continue to grow as a person you need to keep learning!!
How to Psychically Shield Yourself
3 Ways to Shield Yourself
Donna Eden’s Zip-Up Technique: Eden says, “It strengthens your aura & chakras, it can clear confusion and doubt, and it supports you in finding the courage to move forward!” This technique can calm the nervous system and bring the body back into balance.
- Rub your hands together, flick off the energy, and then imagine a zipper from your root chakra up to your throat chakra.
- Pull the zipper up from your root to your throat. I personally, like to turn it at the top like a key.
- Bonus tip you can also work in a positive affirmation along with this! Bonus tip 2 is I often apply essential oils like bergamot, valor, or orange to my hands before I start.
Bubble Mirror Technique by Daniele Hughes
I imagine a protective bubble surrounding me. I use this as a spiritual bouncer. Imagine a beautiful white bubble that surrounds you on all sides. This bubble keeps you safe from other people’s emotions, thoughts, energy, and negativity. This bubble is impenetrable! When I know I am walking into a difficult situation I put up my bubble. I also like to put a mirror on the outside of this to reflect others’ junk back at them. It’s a spiritual boundary that keeps cords from others from forming.
Bonus tip: I like to apply Lavender essential oil to my hands before I start the meditation. I rub them together, then working downward from my head to my feet, I wipe the lavender through my aura fanning outwards. I flick off the energy, then I begin to imagine the bubble.
Chakra Shield Bubble by Emily Dexter
- Visualize each chakra emitting its specific color light.
- Start at the Crown chakra and send that light all around you like a bubble. Do each chakra.
- Each layer reinforces your bubble with layers of color, as it grows larger
Stabilize your energy
Grounding means to be more connected, to be present, to have roots in the Earth, and to be in the now physically, spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and energetically. When you are grounded you feel centered and balanced, regardless of what is happening around you. The image I like to use is being tethered with an anchor to the center of the earth.
- “When I am grounded, I am fully present and connected in the moment.”
- “I feel vibrant in my body. I am balanced, steady, and strong.”
Adding essential oils to affirmations really enhances what you want to accomplish. When you self-diffuse essential oils you stimulate the limbic system which helps to further cement the idea/affirmation you are using! Grounding oils tend to be tree oils obtained from bark, roots, needles, and resin. If you aren’t sure where to apply oils to help you ground my suggestion is the feet. Pick an oil that makes you feel steady and present.
The most common way to use earthing is walking barefoot on the earth whether that be dirt, sand, grass, or even snow. When we walk barefoot we allow a transfer of electrons between our body and the Earth. That transfer spreads throughout our tissues which supports your body to have the same level of electrical frequency as the Earth which is called grounding.
You can also try an earthing mat to help you when perhaps it’s too cold where you live to walk barefoot. I only recommend Dr. Mercola’s earthing mats. You can go to to grab one.
Grounding Energy Capping by Emily Dexter
Hold your dominant hand on top of the Crown Chakra for 30 seconds. While doing this I like to say, “I am grounded.”