Aura Colors

This is a list of attributes I have collected over the years, which unfortunately I have lost the original sources for.

Dougall Fraser’s book Your Life in Color, has been a big help to how I have recently looked at color. However, none of his interpretations are listed on this page.

Indigo– Is connected to the third eye, the pituitary gland, an old soul, connected to an infinite source, psychic abilities are very strong, deep feeling, intuition, insight/wisdom, leadership, sincerity, integrity, and sensitivity

Violet– Crown chakra, pineal gland, and nervous system, a visionary, revolutionary, reveals psychic powers in others, magical, artistic, free thinker, revolutionary, magnetic personality

Lavender/Purple– has a great imagination, able to visualize easily, spiritual awareness, higher consciousness, daydreaming, doesn’t take well to straight shooters, fairy-like qualities, or struggles to maintain a long-term job.

Bright Pink– is a free spirit, artistic, big-hearted, sensual, balanced in all areas of life, affectionate, loving, compassionate, clairaudience, self-love helps others find love, strong-willed, negotiator, loves to laugh, hates routines, fun but moody

Dark Muddy Pink– dishonesty, immaturity, emotional, irrational, timid, lacks confidence, Eeyore or poor me attitude, possessive, holding onto frustration, anger, and/or trauma

Light pink– calm, warm, open, innocent, child or childlike,  need for self-love.

Turquoise– are multitaskers, get restless, stay true to their purpose, clarity, compassion, positivity, creativity, musical, immune system, sensitivity, connected to Sandalphon, helps others release emotional blocks, that’s why healers or therapists have this, empaths, creates balance Blue– connected to the throat chakra and thyroid, is a cool, calm, and collected color, producing caring, loving, loyal, sensitive, and intuitive energies, focus on communication, loves expressing oneself, clarity, and intuition.  Sky Blue–  great communicator, public speaker or singer, inner peace, deep thinker, gathers wisdom, clarity, speaks the truth, increasing personal protection  Sapphire Blue– heightened clairvoyance, connection to source, possibly stressed if showing in head or shoulder area, archangel Michael, generous, open to new opportunities, clairvoyance, sense of justice is strong, protector, leadership, this color helps other colors to stay in place when needed, empathic, enthusiastic, love to discuss the world. Muddy Blue– fear of expression, afraid to speak the truth, heaviness, strain,  blocking, frightened, or trouble with navigating intuition.

Yellow– connected to solar plexus and the spleen and life energy, absorbs info quickly and easily, actor, motivated, spiritual awakening, optimistic, easy-going, natural leader, success, high activity, and energy, lives in the moment of inspiration, freedom, creativity, loyalty, happiness, fun, and intelligence.     

Pale Yellow– psychic and spiritual awareness just starting to open up, optimism, hopefulness, positivity, dimmed energy, not supporting others as they should be, burning out as a leader from taking on too much as well as micromanaging 

Muddy Yellow– afraid to lose control, deep respect, is in the middle of a power struggle or let go of personal power

Clear Metallic Gold– spirituality activated, radiates peace, inspirational awakening, the leader in the center of an organization, connected to the angelic realm, high vibration, positivity naturally flows to them.

Gold– Pertains to divine protection and enlightenment. Someone with this aura is encased in diving guidance and has wisdom, inner peace, intuition, and spiritual thinking. Connected to the angelic realm.

Dark Muddy Yellow Gold– fatigue and stress from studying or trying to learn everything all at one time.

Green– pertains to the heart chakra and lungs, comfortable energy, healthy color of nature, lover of people, animals, and nature, balance, finding inner peace, growth, abundance, charity, unconditional love, change, service, rationality, problem solver, and healing.  Emerald Green– holistic healer, loving person, loyal, lucky, trustworthy, natural energy healer usually with reiki, Chios, or some other type of energy work. Yellow Green– communication, heartfelt, creative

Red– connected to the root chakra, circulation of the heart and physical body, action, competitiveness, courage, survival, passion, strength, or determination. A dense, dark, or heavy color represents issues in the circulatory system. If it is a light feeling or color it represents a healthy ego. If it is a negative feeling it represents anger, unforgiving, anxiety, or nervousness. I sometimes see it when there is an issue with a particular part of the body. I may see it over your ear if you have issues with ear infections.

Deep red– strong-willed, grounded, survival, realistic, ability to overcome obstacles, passionate lover

Muddy Red– anger, short temper, impulsive, harsh, suppressed fury, irritability, resentment, perceived injustice that’s not there, flirty, perfectionist, lacks self-control, chronic pain or inflammation, restless, and stress

Clear Red– powerful, sensual, passionate, energetic, competitive, high energy

Orange– connected to the sacral chakra and reproductive organs and emotional feelings, vitality, leadership, confidence, excitement, productivity, creativity, sociability, loves creating friendships, joy, supports others, and courage. 

Orange Yellow– intelligent, detail-oriented, scientific, creative, and perfectionist.

Brownish Orange– over-sensitive ego, territorial, low level of ambition, repressed emotion, stress, addictions, excess, obsessions, not connected to sexual self Brown– not connected to their purpose, lacking faith, greedy, self-absorbed, close-minded, confused, or lacks confidence, struggling with logical thoughts, overthinking Earthy Brown or Tan– appreciate the simple things, stabilized, grounded, reliable, dependable, wisdom, honest, comforting, there when you need them Black– An all-black is very rare and different from dark or muddy auras. It can mean they hold onto other people’s energy, not dealing with their own emotional issues, perhaps an energy vampire or one is connected to them, unforgiving nature to self or others, unresolved past life issues, unreleased anger, grief, or health problems.

If it’s just a spot or two within the aura that is negative energy from yourself or others that is accumulated and needs to be dealt with, acknowledged, worked on, cleared, and released.

A black aura does not mean you are possessed, dying, or some other bad thing. a lot of times we perceive this input as negative, but more accurately it means low vibration, not feeling like yourself, or being depressed. This does not mean you are doomed forever. It means you need to lean into, deal with, and work through your problems, anger, depression, and/or trauma. Seek professional help from a therapist, psychologist, or doctor if you are struggling.

You can also go to my podcast to learn different ways to supplement the medical treatment to boost your vibration.

White– could be seen as spiritually reflecting energy, or using a spiritual mirror to reflect and protect, new energy in the aura, truth, purity, angelic qualities, loves research, deep thinking, meditates/prays, intuitive, and healthy individual. If there are flashes or sparkles of white light it means angels or loved ones are near. Often white is the first color you see, you may need to sit for a moment to perceive if it’s actually white or just starting to transition in.

Dirty Grayish White– possible illness, energy blocks, may find it hard to trust others

Silver– spiritual and physical abundance, spiritual awakening.       

Bright Metallic Silver– nurturing, intuitive, new ideas

Muddy Gray– build-up of fear in the body, health problems connected to certain places in  the body

Dirty Gray Overlay– pertains to the blocking of energy, and guarded skepticism.

Rainbow– rainbow stripes emanating as beams of light from the hand, head, or body can indicate a healer, energetically gifted in several areas, practice reiki.

Pastels– pertain to sensitivity and a need for serenity. They are seen as soft blends of light and color.

Earth tones– pertains to colors of the soil, wood, minerals, and plants. These important and good grounding colors can be seen in those who work outdoors, such as in farming. Connected to the earth and in harmony with nature.