UnStuck 10-day course.
This is a 10-day course to help you get unstuck! I will show you how to untangle what is holding you back and how to take one step at a time to break through the blocks that are holding you back. Do you have a goal but something is blocking you? Do you want to get unstuck? I’ll give you the lowdown on how limiting beliefs, core values, conscious language, fear, internal dialogue, and even frequency shape and mess with our goals. But more importantly, I will show you how to rework what limits us, into something we can use to empower ourselves. You will leave with a worksheet to help you start getting yourself unstuck! That way you can move forward and tackle whatever is holding you back!
*This is a 10-day course via a private webpage which you will be added to with a password. There will be several accompanying sets of worksheets to download.
Psychic Empath Protection 101.
Walking around unshielded in this day and age can be detrimental to your health. Learning the art of psychic protection isn’t as hard, or complicated as some people make it seem. In this class, we will discuss how to protect yourself from attacks, the daily negative energy we all encounter, and how to transmute it into something beneficial. At the end of class, we will do a guided protection meditation with crystal singing bowls.
*This course is via a private webpage which you will be added to with a password. There will be a Google doc to go along with this class.
The Art of Tarot.
This introductory class will be a mix of videos, a podcast episode, and worksheets. It will happen right here on this website where you can delve in at your own pace. Each lesson is between 5-30 minutes for a total of just over 2 hours. Additionally, you will also have the opportunity to add a 15-20 minute consult to discuss any questions or concerns you may have.
Lesson 1: What Is Tarot?
- Truth About Tarot Podcast
- What Makes Up The Tarot Deck?
- Quick Podcast Recap
Lesson 2: What Is A Psychic?
- What Does Psychic Mean?
- Types of Psychic Senses
- Psychic History Lesson
Lesson 3: Expectations Of A Tarot Reader’s
- Responsibility
- Ethics
Lesson 4: Preparing For Tarot Readings
- Clearing A Tarot Deck
- Cleansing Your Energy
- Grounding
- Shielding
Lesson 5: Getting Started Part 1
- Opening A Reading
- Archangels
- How To Start A Session
Lesson 6: Getting Started Part 2
- How to End A Session
- Using Spreads
- Shuffling Techniques
Lesson 7: Considerations
- Things to Consider
- Reversals
- Jumpers
Lesson 8: Card Meanings Part 1
- Homework
- Major Arcana
Lesson 9: Card Meanings Part 2
- Minor Arcana
Lesson 10: Bonus
- Court Card Personalities
- Unstuck Spreads
Frequency Class.
Learning Objectives:
-To learn what spiritual frequency is.
-To learn what an aura is.
-How frequency shapes our entire world.
-How does it play a role in our life?
-How and why does our frequency get lowered?
-How to improve, boost, and sustain a high frequency.
-What’s a chakra and how does that add to this discussion?